Thursday, January 6, 2011

Prayer (cont'd.)

Continuing from the things I had to say about prayer yesterday...

I've come to a greater appreciation for the relational aspect of prayer (if you can't tell by the 200 times I've said this already...). I had begun to see prayer as a "chore" to be done because I "needed to pray because that's what Christians do." However, this does nothing to motivate the desire to prayer, and would often lead to failed days in prayer (either due to lack of prayer, or "weak" prayer times). However, lately, prayer has been much more of a vibrant part of my life because my motivation to pray has been shifted from duty to delight. I'm delighting in the relationship that I get to enjoy with the eternal God who created this infinitely massive universe and yet would still care enough to raise a rebellious religious young man to spiritual life through the power of His Spirit because of what His Son has done.
The Gospel motivation for prayer has had a much different impact on my prayers. They are so much more God-centered than "check-list" centered. This has led me to a greater understanding of the "surpassing worth of knowing Jesus Christ".
The other thing that I was able to glean from this book (I'm sure there were other things that were helpful too--I just can't think of them right now...) was the posture of dependence in prayer. I've come to a better understanding of what my posture should be--humbly dependent upon God to work in my life. See, for a while, I felt that I shouldn't "bother" God with the needs of my life--after all, God gave me a brain, didn't He? However, I have recently seen how arrogant this posture is, and it has led me to a deeper understanding of how truly dependent upon God I am for every need. (For a great example of this neediness, see my post on the lost car keys a few days back...) This has been so freeing, in a Gospel sort of way. I am freed from my self-dependence, and set up to depend upon God more fully for all the needs I have in my everyday life. This has truly been a great thing in motivating me to come to God with the "little things" I need. God is gracious, and He is a loving Father. We should be "casting all our cares upon Him, for He cares for you."

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