Friday, January 14, 2011

Criminal Minds (and Hearts...) Pt. 2

This is a continuation from the post that I made yesterday about the show Criminal Minds and its focus on the mental factors behind criminal activity.

I think that this show--with its focus on the mental/psychological aspect and negating to deal with Spiritual/sin issues--also fails to understand the goodness and grace of God.
As I said yesterday, our hearts are deceitfully and desperately wicked, and from our hearts flow out sinful behavior. Sinful behavior is not "conditioned" into us based on circumstances entirely. Otherwise, how can you explain the fact that not everyone who deals with terrible life situations doesn't become a criminal.
Case in point: Job. Job lost everything in his life, all in the same day. The only thing he had left was his wife, who told him to "curse God and die." Job would have been the perfect candidate to have a "psychotic break" and rampage against someone, or break down and become schizophrenic. But not only did this not happen, the Bible says that Job didn't even charge God with wrong at the loss of all of his things.
When we settle for less-than-Biblical foundations and less-than-Biblical explanations, we will get the prescribed Biblical result of failure.

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