Thursday, June 9, 2011

Sovereignty of God and Free-Will of Man: Conclusion


The issue of God’s sovereignty and the “free will” of man has been debated countless times throughout Church history. The issue is important because it has many implications that follow along with it. The problem of evil is a very big implication for both God’s sovereignty and man’s free will. Also, the justice of Hell is a major implication which demands an answer in the debate. Christians, however, are not left in the dark on such issues. Christians have the Scriptures, and the Scriptures are very clear that God is a sovereign God. Scriptures are also very clear that although man is responsible for his sinful choices against God, the will to do “good” in the Godward sense is not present. The unbelieving world does not have the desire to follow God, and they will not exercise their wills toward belief in God apart from His Grace. God has offered a way of escape through the Gospel. While men cannot naturally respond to this message, they can have their eyes opened by the Spirit through the power of God’s Word and especially through the power of the Gospel, “the power of God for salvation, according to Paul in Romans 1:16. The Gospel is the only hope for men to truly have a “free will.” As Jesus said in John 8:36, “So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.”

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