Monday, April 11, 2011

100th Post Spectacular Extravaganza!!

Ok, so this is actually my 101st post for the year, but who's actually counting? (I mean it... there's only 3 of you, and I'm one of them, so who's counting?)

So, in honor of the 100th post, I'm going to do something special--a 10 day celebration of top 10 lists (100 in all!) Enjoy!!

Today's list: 10 things you should never say to Jesus

10. But you promised me health, wealth, and prosperity!
9. I thought you had a wonderful plan for my life.
8. I accept you.
7. I will now make you Lord.
6. You never really existed historically--you were just a legend like Mithra and Zeus.
5. You were a very good moral teacher.
4. Really, the only Way? Why so exclusive?
3. Forgiveness? Are you calling me a sinner?
2. Thanks for dying, but I think I'll be good without You on judgment day.
1. Thanks for dying on the cross; now I will pay for the rest myself.

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